

Full Repair Restoration

With years of experience, The Pro Team is capable of sourcing the best way for the piano restoration.

凭借经年累月的维修、保固及大型翻新经验,由The Pro Team为你安排最适切的钢琴修复方式。

The Pro Piano | Hong Kong Professional Piano Services 專業鋼琴服務

Voicing | Regulation
触感调整 | 音色调整

There are many variations of the tones of sounds, but we all have our preferred one. By voicing and regulation, which is to modify and adjust the piano tone, the Pro Team provides alteration for your piano.

The Pro Piano | Hong Kong Professional Piano Services 專業鋼琴服務

Complete Renewal | Restoration
全面翻新 | 内胆维修

It is a complicated process and a long journey to fully restore a piano to a brand new or semi-brand new status. There are loads of situations and possible solutions regarding to the condition of the piano.

Service upon your needs
以人為本 切合所需


Repairs and adjustments including repairing/replacing strings, felts, leathers, cloths, and hammers through complex repairs or structural work such as the bridge or soundboard rebuilding according to the condition of the piano.


Regulation & Voicing

Manipulating and changing the quality of the tone of the piano to produce a warmer or brighter tone by covering the technical aspect of adjustment on the soundboard, hammers, string and other piano particles.


Seek the Beauty in sound and sight.