Piano Care Tips

How to Keep Piano in the Best Condition?


6 Expert Tips You Need to Know! Check this out!

Regular Play

Regularly playing your piano not only enhances your performance but also aids in the early detection of potential issues, preventing possible damage. If you notice sensitivity issues with keys, changes in tone, or any other abnormalities, consult the professional piano tuner for assessment and prompt repair arrangements.


Regular Tuning and Regulation Maintenance

Ensure your piano’s optimal performance by scheduling piano tuning every 3-4 months and piano regulation once a year. Tuning maintains the correct pitch and sound quality, while regulation fine-tunes the action, ensuring consistent touch and responsiveness. These maintenance routines preserve the instrument’s integrity and playability, enhancing your overall musical experience.


Regular Cleaning for Lasting Beauty

To maintain your piano’s allure, keep it clean. Protect the keyboard from dust by covering it when not in use. Only use The Pro Piano Care Kit to clean the case, and avoid harsh chemicals and solvents that might be harmful to the piano case.  Consult a qualified piano technician for stubborn debris and contact us to know more about the <The Pro Piano Care Kit>.

亮麗如新的鋼琴,令人愛不澤手,時刻都想彈奏。要保持鋼琴美觀,定期清潔是關鍵。當不使用時,請用蓋子保護鍵盤免受灰塵。用柔軟的布擦拭琴鍵,定期使用The Pro Piano 鋼琴專用護理套裝,保護鋼琴漆面,避免使用不當化學劑以免損害鋼琴漆面。如遇頑固污垢,應聯絡專業鋼琴技師專理。

Enhance Your Piano’s Appearance with The Pro Piano Care Kit for Home. Shop Now.

立即聯絡我們,選購 The Pro Piano Care Kit 家用鋼琴外觀護理套裝。

Leave Repairs to the Experts

Even seemingly simple issues require specialized tools and parts unique to pianos. Therefore, when your piano malfunctions, refrain from attempting DIY repairs and contact a professional piano technician. Self-repairs may damage piano components, leading to potentially higher repair costs.


Utilizing a piano heater

In regions with distinct seasons or high humidity, such as Hong Kong, humidity fluctuations significantly impact the wooden components of pianos, leading to expansion or contraction that affects tuning stability and key responsiveness. Utilizing a dehumidifier can assist in stabilizing piano humidity levels. 


Contact us now to install a piano heater.


Keep Away from Liquids and Beverages

Avoid placing any drinks or liquid containers near the piano. Spilled water or liquids can damage the piano’s structure, leading to irreversible harm. If such incidents occur, promptly notify your piano technician for an assessment and evaluation of the piano’s condition.


Trust Professional Movers

When relocating your piano, entrust the job to a professional piano moving company to ensure both you and your piano’s safety, reducing the risk of damage due to collisions during transportation.


Optimize Your Piano's Brilliance with Expert Care.